Advanced options

See Also

The third page of the Settings dialog contains all of the Advanced options. The third page looks like :-


As with the first and second pages, there are the three main distinct sections on the page. This page is desinged for printing options and startup options.

In the first section, you are asked to specify how you want to print. The default setting is Print at normal size, where normal size is a size on the printed page that is close to the size it would be seen on the screen. Of course, this can never be accurate, as monitor sizes vary. This normal size is for a 19" monitor. However, if the image on the screen is too big for the page, the printing scale will reduce until it fits on the page. The largest size is where the image is scaled up to take up as much, if not all, of the remain print area. Print as thumbnail will simply does almost the reverse of Print at largest size, in that it will print at the smallest size possible, without being to small to read.

The second section contains two check boxes. The first of these check boxes are for specifying whether Grabber2k automatically starts when Windows starts, this is the option entitled Auto start at "boot up". The second check box, entitled Show Capture form at Start up, allows you to say whether the capture form is visible when Grabber2k starts, if you decide not to allow it to appear then Grabber2k will run entirely from the tray menu.

The third section is the section where you select what you want printed at the top of the page when you print an image. There are several options, these are :-

Date & Time OR Short Date
Filename OR Short Filename
File statistics

Note that you can only print Date & Time OR Short Date, you cannot print both as that would not make sense, the same applies to filename. The Date & Time, prints the date and time in the long format defined in your Windows Regional Settings properties. Go to Control Panel, Regional Settings and click on Date if you wish to change these. A Short Date will be whatever you have defined in Windows Regional Settings, Once again go to Control Panel, Regional Settings and click on Date if you wish to change these. Filename is the full filename, including the path and drive of the image, whereas Short filename is simply the filename, with any path or drive information. The Username is the person you are logged in as and the Computer name is the name given to the PC you are currently working on. Selecting File statistics will mean that information regarding height, width and size (in Kb) of the file will be printed

1. Open Grabber2k and go to the Advanced options on the Settings dialog and try the different print sizes. Go to the Viewer to images you have already saved from the last excercise and print at all of the sizes.

2. Open Grabber2k and go to the Advanced options on the Settings dialog and check the Show Capture form at Start up otion. Now close Grabber2k and re-open. When you re-open Grabber2k, it will be running from the tray menu.

3. Open Grabber2k and go to the Advanced options on the Settings dialog and check the Auto start at "boot up" otion. Now close Grabber2k and re-boot your machine. When you start your system Grabber2k will automatically load itself and will be running from the tray menu, if you have not turned that option back to what it was.

4. Open Grabber2k and go to the Advanced options on the Settings dialog and simply try out every printout heading setting there is, or that you feel you need. Go back to the Viewer and print any image you saved earlier in order to see what the differences in the headings are.

Time required: 20 Minutes